Dan Snell is a 5-term, 10 year, elected official, an author, speaker, former radio host, business owner and business coach.
Also Dan's unique background as a 20-year professional basketball official has placed him as a Leader in many arenas
which allows him to be in command, and see governing in a broad and deep life-experienced way.
Look for a weekly WINSOME AMERICA broadcast, available to the public, for review and comments on a weekly basis beginning January 2024. STAY TUNED for how "WINSOME AMERICA" will review candidates and races across the land. Your input and comments will be welcomed.
America is at a crossroads.
Public Service has given way to Politics at it's worst.
Choices made as individuals, and as appointed or elected officials, now matter more than ever.
My book "The WINSOME Candidate" speaks to the values and historic greatness in Leadership that made America successful.
It also address the challenges of the 'only my opinion matters' culture that is damaging our nation.
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